My year longs goals are simple:
1. Start and maintain healthier lifestyle (eat better and be more active)
2. Read/Write daily
3. More family time
I figured what is he harm in trying again so here goes...
January- 30 minutes of exercise a day. So I have this crazy goal of making the chartered roster one day before my derby career is over.If I want to do that I need to build my endurance way up. Plus this is obviously a good way to help my lose some of my fatty fat fatness.
February- No Fast Food February. Our whole family will give up fast food for the entire month. We don't eat out daily, but we do rely on fast food more often then we should and this is a great way to stop and think about what we eat.
March- Drink more water/ No Candy.(This is a two-fer) The plan is to drink eight glasses of water a day. If, and only if, I do this will I be able to have specialty drinks like coffees/lattes/mochas/chais,ect. I am weak when it comes to candy... So no candy for March.
February- No Fast Food February. Our whole family will give up fast food for the entire month. We don't eat out daily, but we do rely on fast food more often then we should and this is a great way to stop and think about what we eat.
March- Drink more water/ No Candy.(This is a two-fer) The plan is to drink eight glasses of water a day. If, and only if, I do this will I be able to have specialty drinks like coffees/lattes/mochas/chais,ect. I am weak when it comes to candy... So no candy for March.
April- Different meal every week. This may seem similar to February's resolution, but this one will require us to not only eat something different everyday, but we will also need to cook something new (out of one of my 8,000 cook books) once a week.
May- I must wear a different outfit everyday (including weekends). My closest is still full and I find myself wearing only about 30% of what's in it (this is better than last year's 10%), not still I could use some work. This is a great way to force me to wear some of the clothes I swore I would and still haven't.
June- Hand-write 15 letters and send them the old fashioned way. Since I will be spending the majority of June in Moscow, Idaho working on my Masters Degree I figured that would be a perfect chance to write some letters.
July- Pinterest Challenge. I am going to make, bake, attempt or create, 31 of my thousands of Pinterest pins. I need to validate the countless hours I spend on this damn site.
August- A Picture a Day. I always see people doing the 30 day picture challenges and I want to do it too. I love photography and now I get to try it out myself with my new DSLR I got for Christmas.
September- NO HFCS. I will eat only one item a week that contains refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc within the first 5 ingredients (stole this from like Callous Alice).
October- Limit TV to one hour a day. While I don't watch an obscene amount for TV, it does seem to always be on in the background. I want to spend more time with my family and more time on myself and watching TV doesn't help that.
November- Drink more water/ No Candy.(This is a two-fer) The plan is to drink eight glasses of water a day. If, and only if, I do this will I be able to have specialty drinks like coffees/lattes/mochas/chais,ect. I am weak when it comes to candy.... and Fall is the WORST!!!
December- Still undecided....... (any ideas?) I could try to No video/computer games. No angry birds, words with friends, zombies anything. One month with touching a video game on the Wii, Xbox, computer, phone or wherever else I might find one.
Now all I need to do is remember to maintain my focus and stay motivated.
Good Luck right? ;)
Good Luck right? ;)
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