Saturday, January 22, 2011

Now is the time...

Today I officially signed up for the Canyon County Weight Loss Challenge here in Caldwell. For a long time I've been slowly putting on weight (40 lbs since I met Brian). I have become so comfortable in my life, with my amazing husband and beautiful daughter, that outside of family the only thing I give any major effort to is my work.
I am teaching 3 different preps: Freshman English, Creative Writing I and Creative Writing III. In addition to course work, lesson plans, grading and our new staff book study. I am also the advisor of the C-Town Rowdies (CHS Pep Club), The Literary Magazine and The Freshman Student Council. I am leading a group of students on a 10 day trip to Europe over spring break and to top it off I am in charge of the staff book club.
I do alot.
I do a lot for everyone I know: friends, family, colleagues, students even strangers. The problem is I don't do much (if anything) for myself.
That all changes today.
I singed up for this "challenge" to bring some focus back to myself. I know it sounds selfish , and maybe it is, but the truth is I stopped caring about me a long time ago, and that needs to change. Brian has been so supportive of this plan that he has even started to help. We are both eating right and holding each other accountable. Today he was really proud that I went through with this whole CCWLC event. I am too.
So far this year (all 22 days of it) I have lost 8 lbs. I have been eating better and working with a makeshift/stolen version of Weight Watchers and it rocks. I have been working out on the Wii Fit, walking around the school on my prep period and I plan to start hitting the gym next week. (I was given a FREE 6 month membership under the condition I go twice a week--now there's some motivation!)
I can do this. I really truly beleive that.
Now I just have to prove it.