Friday, March 2, 2012

My March Maddness

So February is done and I am proud to say that I have still not had any fast food (with the exception of a large Diet Coke thanks to my good friend Kim). This has helped with cost and my weight loss journey. While I haven’t lost a ton of weight, only a couple of pounds, I have been building muscle due to Roller Derby practices twice a week. The lack of fast food has made my body feel great. I can’t believe how well February went!

As for March…… it is already proving to be much more difficult than I expected. So to help keep myself on track I plan on posting pictures daily (or as daily as possible) of each hair styles and what they are. Yesterday (March 1st) I took the advice of a friend and put my hair into 8 different braids. I usually don’t shower at night because my hair takes forever to dry, but I had Derby practice that evening and I was all sorts of smelly. So I got home, showered, and sectioned my hair off and put it in braids. Then I slept in my braids. When I woke up I took out all the braids and curled the ends of my hair a bit and …viola! I actually liked what I saw. Throughout the day my students were full of compliments, which is rare when it comes to my hair. I must say this is definitely a hair style I will need to add to my repertoire.

Today (March 2nd) was not as successful. My Pep Club had their club picture today and I was trying to do a big, sporty ponytail with side swept bangs. But, of course, I feel like it came out too big and frizzy. Nevertheless I stuck it out. I liked the side-swept bangs, but I plan on trimming them this week since they desperately need it, so I won’t be able side-sweep again for a while. I had mixed reviews from my kids, but they all agreed it was good that I tried. Plus, Brian said I am cute and that is all that really matters. ;)

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